“How do you actually see?”
That is a question Guido Klumpe has heard more often. He is blind on the left side and has 25% vision on the right.
“For me, the world is a bit like an internet video with a low data rate. With a single face I recognise details, faces in a crowd are just surfaces.”
Today Guido Klumpe is a successful artist, his work combines three genres that influence each other: street, minimal and abstract photography. He like to explore and push the boundary of genres.
His style of street photography is characterized by a clear visual language, everything superfluous is left out. The overarching theme is the tension between urban architecture and its inhabitants.
His current series, “(People in) urban landscapes” is also a response to the pandemic:
“When Corona reached Germany, I was working on a series that explored the tension between urban spaces and their inhabitants. But with the lockdown, people disappeared from the streets. That made me examine architecture in a whole new way. I prefer to roam through Hanover’s outer districts, where there are many sober but colourfully designed businesses and shopping centres. There I can superimpose different levels of the buildings by choosing the right angle of view. By reducing the visual clues through the appropriate cropping, three-dimensional architectural photography becomes something that moves between painting and photography.“ You can still find hints of buildings here and there, but often it remains between the concrete and the abstract.
I work to ensure that my images retain something mysterious. I want to invite viewers to engage with the process of seeing: What is in the front of the painting, what is in the back, how is it composed? At what point does our brain interpret something as object-like and three-dimensional? What optical reference points does it need for this? How do I reach the narrow range of “both and”?
If the viewers are puzzled and cannot say for sure what they are seeing and how the parts of the building shown relate to each other, they may experience something of the way I sometimes lose my bearings in my urban environment“