Anne Schlueter

Title: 600 Feet Below Sea Level

About the Photo:

I took this series in Death Valley on March 12, 2020, from my perch at the top of Dante’s Peak (5,575 feet above sea level). It’s a vast landscape but my fascination rested on the geological stories told by the valley floor, which is 600 feet below sea level and inspired the title of the series. The patterns on the valley floor were etched by millennial winds, sand, salt, and the periodic ebb and flow of water traces, yet I noticed them changing with the passing of each moment. We were not aware of the Covid-19 pandemic until we emerged from the desert on March 13, 2020. Like the dynamics we witnessed in Death Valley the day before, the entire world had changed and we returned to a new reality. (Note the photos originally were individually titled: Sand Dancer (image 1), Glowing (image 2), 600 Feet Below Sea Level (image 3), Whisper (image 4), and Landing (image 5). I retitled them for purposes of viewing the series).