Emmanuelle Becker

Title: Nscapes

About the Photo:

These images have been thoughtfully selected from the expansive collection known as INscapes. Within this portfolio, I employ the elongated shape of a rearview mirror and the concept of curtains as captivating metaphors for memory, each offering unique perspectives on its essence and purpose.
Just as curtains can obstruct our view, memories have the capacity to be deliberately or unintentionally concealed from our consciousness. Behind the metaphorical curtain, they may reside, patiently awaiting the trigger or circumstance that will draw them into our awareness.
Mirrors, known for reflecting our physical appearance, also serve as metaphorical reflections of our memories. Much like gazing into a mirror, memories provide us with a reflective glimpse into our past experiences, enabling us to understand ourselves within the context of our personal history. Mirrors also invite introspection as we examine and contemplate our memories, gaining valuable insights and fostering self-understanding.
Furthermore, curtains can symbolize the act of unveiling or revealing memories. When drawn back, these hidden memories emerge from the shadows, becoming accessible to our consciousness. Mirrors, however, bear the capacity to both reflect and distort our memories. Just as a mirror can present an altered image of ourselves, memories too can be influenced by the passage of time, emotions, or our subjective perspectives, reminding us of the potential for distortion within our recollections.
Additionally, curtains represent the selective nature of memory. Similar to how we open or close curtains to control the amount of light entering a room, we often remember certain aspects of our past while allowing others to fade away. Memories are filtered through our subjective perceptions, accentuating specific details while obscuring or even forgetting others.
These metaphorical interpretations of curtains and mirrors provide vivid illustrations of the complex and dynamic nature of memory. They underscore its capacity for concealment, reflection, unveiling, distortion, and selectivity. Through these metaphors, we gain deeper insights into the profound workings of memory and its intricate interplay with our personal narratives.