Nathan Matteson & Barbara Raidl

Title: I love you the more because you flee from me

About the Photo:

As one stands upon a shore, the horizon is hardly more than five kilometers distant—an achievable jog even for the untrained. And yet were one to make this jog, running Christ-like across the seas, the horizon would forever retreat from our grasp. It is the very limit of our terrestrial apperception. Just on this side of the horizon is the offing, the staging ground for events that are immanent; and on the other side lies the unknown, the staging ground of the possible and of all that is uncertain.

Produced with long exposures, typically between 5 minutes and an hour, the end result of each of these images is unknowable at the outset. They are records of uncertainty, anticipation, doubt, and hope—records of events in the act of their unfolding, as the earth turns, as the tides are hauled upwards by the moon, as the world unveils itself in front of the camera.