Mike South

Title: Plinth

About the Photo:

Don’t have any fears. Life is too short.” Tim Andrews
‘Plinth’ is a distant exchange between two people who’ve never met – but do have things in common. Things that most of us don’t know anything about.
I met Tim a few years ago and was humbled by his attitude towards his Parkinson’s. He’s putting all his energy into creating his own art these days. One of his projects ‘Over the Hill’ has seen him photographed by over 400 photographers – including the likes of Rankin. I was honoured to be part of the project.
I was inspired by an Anthony Gormley project Tim did in Trafalgar Square in 2009 – where he stood on the Forth Plinth and told everyone about his Parkinson’s. Then he danced to Madness. Watch him here https://youtu.be/fy-3S2J2g_M
I wanted to put him on a plinth again – but this time to greet someone else who had been more recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s. To pass on the torch of owning your situation. My other friend Emma was diagnosed in her early thirties.