Elise McKee Title: Hutt Lagoon About the series: This photo is an aerial top-down shot, of Hutt Lagoon, a pink lake in Port Gregory, Western Australia, that lies near the mouth of the Hutt River. Depending on the time of day, the season (time of year) and the
Third Place, Aerial Photography CategoryWilly BenoitTitle: H2OAbout the Photo:Swiss Alps, 2018
Second Place, Aerial Photography CategoryFranco CappellariTitle: Abstract IcelandAbout the Photo:The interior of Iceland was for a long time incognito land: unknown, unexplored country. he aerial photos give a beautiful abstract and minimalist point of view on the land of ice and fire, the ideal subject
First Place, Aerial Photography CategoryRosario CivelloTitle: SignsAbout the Photo:“Signs” series is inspired by the book “Point and line to plane” of Wassily Kandinsky. These photos were taken on the Alps.