Hall Of Mirrors

Milad Karamooz Title: Hall Of Mirrors About the Photo: Hall of Mirrors That we are not as beautiful as we ought to be in photographs is not a sign of the images being bad. We have learned to see ourselves beautiful in the mirror. The angle at which we



Dhiraj PednekarTitle: FragmentsAbout the Photo:"Fragments" are the series of sculptures created by freezing water in plastic objects giving them desired shape and later document them through photography. Plastic menace has been a major Global crisis in Human history fueled by consumer society. It is appearing


Flannel Fairies

Pamela PaulineTitle: Flannel FairiesAbout the Photo:The unique of the fading Flannel Flower reminded me of beautiful little fairies. Image created entirely with these stunning Australian native flowers.


Film Stills

Wendy StoneTitle: Film StillsAbout the Photo:I am inspired and intrigued the movies and television shows depicting the perception of perfection in the 1950’s. When I was young I would watch reruns of “Leave it to Beaver” during the summer. I loved how happy the families


Face Bridge

Mohammad Shahab eslamiTitle: Face BridgeAbout the Photo:Red Bridge (Pole Sorkh). When I arrived in Kabul and wanted to meet with the culture and art people, they mostly called the Red Bridge for the appointment. An area consisting of a crossroads and a bridge. In my



Gustavo Romeiro Title: Aveiros About the Photo: "Aveiros" is the plural of a neologism that mix the Portuguese word "aves" (birds) with the Portuguese suffix "eiro" - Aveiro. Birds represent the liberty and the used sufix represent a craft, a profession. In other word, this neologim implicets the


Around the World

T Simple Title: Around the World About the Photo: Around the World ( Playing Games ) In her poetic series ,Around the World’’ (Playing Games) Fine Art photographer Simple T takes a surreal approach to landscapes by staging playful scenes across open, timeless terrain. Often, her characters, dwarfed by their surrounds,


…And now ; the seed we planted

Shahram FarzinTitle: …And now ; the seed we plantedAbout the Photo:The subject is about man and his relationship towards nature. A recurring story.In this series I have tried to capture this phenomenon in a different perspective.This collection is created by venturing and capturing this planet