Open Photographer of the Year
1st Place Winner
Klaus Lenzen
Title: Art of Everyday Live
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2nd Place Winner
Paula Aranoa
Title: My dialogues with the mystery
3rd Place Winner
Dominic Blewett
Title: It Is What It Is
Jeff Karp
Title: Was Here, Left, Will Be Back
Kevin Lyle
Title: Portalism
Dan Provost
Title: Taut
Kenneth Chao
Title: Tranquil Geometry
Kaat Stieber
Title: Nightingale
Felix Rust
Title: Restroom Geometry
George Dibble
Title: Life and Death Valley
Stefano Monaco
Title: Mediterranean
Andrea Maglio
Title: Geranium
Gianfranco Merati
Title: A Portrait of My Garden.
Tom Ponessa
Title: Niagara
Connor Daly
Title: Spatial Visions
Agata Pec
Title: Serpentines
Nina Papiorek
Title: [i) ][ ][ °]
Rob Chambliss
Title: Royal Secret
Rebecca Horne
Title: Valence inventory series
Yvan Bedard
Title: Above Horizon
Title: Montreal Metro
Mark Benham
Title: Circle, Square, Triangle
Daria Martinoni
Title: Living in the Age of Plastic
G.B. Smith
Title: Metallic Barrier
Mauro Zorer
Title: Street Geometries
Marleen Van Hove
Title: Circus
Wade Hughes
Title: Mother and child: Pilot whales
Katrine Moite
Title: Behind the Curtain
Dezso Bodis
Title: Red Brick Beetle
David Degelin
Title: The Cormorant and the Cosmonaut
Danylo Torbovskyi
Title: And the Oscar goes to…
Simone Nagel
Title: Small Tree in Autumn
Kei Umezawa
Title: A Never-ending Journey
Eric Lussot
Title: Los Llanos
Miguel Muñiz
Title: Uncertainty
Jens Winkler
Title: Lake Stillness
Kathrin Federer
Title: Enigmatic Allure
Ayla Hashemi
Title: 2023
Samuel de Román
Title: Dancer
Adam Neuba
Title: Botanic Beings
Yuto Hirasawa
Title: Isolation
Beth Buelow
Title: Adagietto
Pavel Seredkin
Title: The Way
Andrew Crawford
Title: Ajar
Emo Gene
Title: Isolated