The Bow

Cyrille Dubreuil Title: The Bow About the Photo: “The Bow” – Introduction The fast acceleration of the online economy development and the e-commerce revolution has obviously changed the way people shop, but it also has somehow surreptitiously transformed discretely, but deeply, the landscape and architecture of our suburban areas.



Philippe Sarfati Title: Territories About the Photo: These images are taken from a long-term project called Territories. The first impulse behind this experimental project was to inject street photography methodology - moslty, the reliance on serendipity and spontaneous behaviour - into architectural photography. Inspired by Ila Beka and Louise



Fred Aron Title: Stairs About the Photo: Using light and shadow to evoke the life, beauty and sense of being in an architectural space



Adriano Nicoletti Title: Skēnographía About the Photo: Urban space is the theater of a time that we suffer, of an unbearable background noise, of vehicles, people, visual stimuli in overabundance. We unconsciously construct a confused and asymptomatic urban imaginary: in which everything overpowers the particular. We pass through



Ahmed Thabet Title: Scimitar About the Photo: It is an abstract approach to some of Kuwait city buildings and London buildings, like ( Tujaria tower, Martyr tower, Gherkin tower) I was influenced by the medieval Arabian sword which is famous for it is curved blade and wide surface,



Steve Day Title: Punctorum About the Photo: This collection of images is part of an ongoing series where I explore the geometry of architecture in central Melbourne. I endeavour to remove distractions and present a minimalist view of the subjects to showcase the features of these intriguing structures.