Fine-art Photographer of the Year
1st Place Winner
Hilda Champion
Title: Delicate
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2nd Place Winner
Michael Rudzikewycz
Title: Pressure and Time
3rd Place Winner
Marleen Van Hove
Title: Dancing Trees
Title: 2024 Minimalist Photography Awards entries
Jay Tang
Title: Everyday Landscapes
Axel Görlach
Title: Space
Nancy Poeran
Title: We are all made of light and shadow
Gianfranco Bove
Title: Human geometries
Rob Chambliss
Title: Parking Spot
Katja Leschnikowski
Title: Lines & Circles
Giusy Baffi
Title: The thread of smoke
Cariappa Annaiah
Title: Cactus Pale Series
Michael Scandling
Title: SonomaSerra
Kamila J Gruss
Title: Intimate Landscapes
Piyi Wong
Title: Ziran
Steve Dzerigian
Title: Construction Artifact IV, Sebastapol, California, 2022
Maura Astesano
Title: Swooping and swirling
Abhi Gupta
Title: Ode to Solitdue
Guanhua Yao
Title: Ripple
Janet Capling
Title: Winter Scenes
Fenqiang “Frank” Liu
Title: Boundless Skies
Yevhen Kostiuk
Title: Colors of Basketball
Lawrence Cheung
Title: Two Lines and a Triangle
Daniel Mead
Title: 1 4 3
Cindy Poulin
Title: Free Flight
Larry Davis
Title: Stair Rail
Ash O’Malley
Title: The Rockettes
Thomas Kane
Title: Normandy Coast-80 years on-Peaceful now 2
Han Yang
Title: Fetish Animal
Remuna Beca
Title: Alone In The Abyss
César López Seoane
Title: Paisaje interior
Meaghan Evans
Title: Only Here
Keiichiro Muramatsu
Title: Suspended Spaces
Philippe Pedat
Title: Verbier
Gregor Radonjič
Title: Contemplation
Renate Wasinger
Title: Silence
Natalia Rudychev
Title: Precious
Bea Berg
Title: FlowerDance
Juhwan Bae
Title: Black Circle
Mark Wernet
Title: Buildings of Consumption
Alessandro Tagliapietra
Title: Kanso
Nader Sharifi
Title: The meaning of migration
Den Reader
Title: World of Metal
Title: Ibises
Thomas Porter
Title: Pastels & Sky
Hartmut Rieg
Title: Accidental Meeting
Eric D’Dio
Title: Forlorn
David B Moore
Title: Urban Landscape