Fine-art Photographer Of The Year
1st place winner
Klaus Lenzen
Title: Pole Vault
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2nd Place Winner
Lena Weisbek
Title: Silence Series
3rd Place Winner
George Byrne
Title: Post Truth
Cam Garner
Title: ToriiGate
Andrea Richey
Title: Loneliness
Rafal Krol
Title: Beskid Mountains
Sebastian Raabe
Title: Silence
Alexandra B
Title: Soul of the Pool
Pierre Pellegrini
Title: Me and The Others
Vicky Martin
Title: Not In Kansas
Tim Booth
Title: Hringur
Lars Nordstrom
Title: What To See When There Is Nothing To See
Samuil Velichkov
Title: Conversation
Jan Bell
Title: Flowing Waves
Chong Diane
Title: Lonely, Happy Dancing Tree
Pablo Valenzuela
Title: Cemetery
Marc Koegel
Title: Frozen
Lorenzo Bensi
Title: Swinging On The Water
Montserrat Diaz
Title: Divenire
Title: Neskowin Bay
Kerstin Niemöller
Title: LineDance
Dominique Dubied
Title: Follow the Fence
Gianfranco Bove
Title: Landscape geometries
Pietro Abbagnato
Title: On the river, as a Haiku poetry
Gerald Arzt
Title: Lonely Together
Philippe Cailloux
Title: Photographism
Axel Breutigam
Title: Hood – Ford Thunderbird
Diana Mehrez
Title: Fog Bath
Bev Pettit
Title: A Study of Bronco
Geffrard Bourke
Title: Icelandic Church
Saman Majd
Title: Form and Body
Rudolf Kleingeld
Title: BMKZwartWit
Diogo Oleiro
Title: Wrapped in blue
Scott Amling
Title: Dome Home
David Rosen
Title: Old Harrys Rocks – Alone in Monochrome
Mehrdad Fathi
Title: Confrontation
Title: Distant Island
Frank Peters
Title: House in White
Steve Blackwell
Title: Prairies Boxes
Jonathan Sharp
Title: Plymouth Fury
Title: Run
Andrew Gimblet
Title: Same old thing
Kaat Stieber
Title: Porcelain
Raffaele Canepa
Title: Uphill
Glenn Driver
Title: Slalom
Title: Shrine
Title: Study of a Bathing Jetty
Mohammad Shahab Eslami
Title: Single Life Reading
Peter Eleveld
Title: Josephine Baker
Leslie Gleim
Title: Whispers
Title: Snake Skeleton
Hengki Koentjoro
Title: Mangroves
Carlos Morales
Title: Descend