1st place winner
Aerial Photographer Of The Year
Roberto Corinaldesi
Title: Sur la mer
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2nd Place Winner
Marcin Giba
Title: From the series Human on Earth
3rd Place Winner
Kevin Krautgartner
Title: Salt Shapes
Frida Berg
Title: Lake Lefroy
John Skees
Title: Lines, Both Built and Painted
Md Ali Asraf Bhuiyan
Title: Cleaning Potatoes
Tommy Nigbor
Title: Conifer Chorus
Mohammad Awadh
Title: The Walk
Title: Angel from the series Natural.
Kathrin Federer
Title: Social Distancing
Ehsan Farnam
Title: Stay Together, Stay Safe
Abdulla AL-Mushaifri
Title: Khour AL Meleh
Mark Boyle
Title: Useless Loop
Franco Cappellari
Title: Flower texture
Title: In Full Bloom
Title: The Herd
Roland Blum
Title: And in the middle there’s a house
Title: Glacial
Magali Chesnel
Title: Lady Spring
Mohamamd Mirza
Title: The Beauty Of Gulf
Frank Keller
Title: Automobile Monoculture
Title: From the Series Natural
Leslie Gleim
Title: Birth of New Land
Title: Life above still life
Kerstin Niemöller
Title: Play Green
Sebastian Vervenne
Title: Two Swans
Title: Left Behind
Farid Yuwono
Title: Sailing