Photo Manipulation Photographer of the Year
1st Place Winner
Graeme Gordon
Title: Masonic Centre
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2nd Place Winner
Glenn Homann
Title: Eyeing Ibis
3rd Place Winner
Emmanuel Passeleu
Title: Airplane and Architecture
Allen Koppe
Title: Dancing Ghosts
Gerhard Grossberger
Title: Female Stripes
Paul Gravett
Title: Colour Studies
June Yunjung John
Title: Sorrow
Ruth Hellema
Title: Tiny Windows
Lesley MacGregor
Title: Mirror Image
Nick Gladkiy
Title: Figures on Light
Peter Zarkob
Title: Inner life
Lena Heggelund
Title: Norway
Juergen Potocnik
Title: The Trudelturm
Samuel Cohen Kellner
Title: Her, Away
Ilya Trofimenko
Title: Deviation
Title: Life is
Marco Maljaars
Title: To the Unknown
Jana Hoffmann
Title: Illusion
Anne Schlueter
Title: Johnny’s Comet
Lawrence Hamilton
Title: Table and Shadow
Wade Hughes
Title: Alone in the Abyss