Hall Of Mirrors

Milad Karamooz Title: Hall Of Mirrors About the Photo: Hall of Mirrors That we are not as beautiful as we ought to be in photographs is not a sign of the images being bad. We have learned to see ourselves beautiful in the mirror. The angle at which we



Dhiraj PednekarTitle: FragmentsAbout the Photo:"Fragments" are the series of sculptures created by freezing water in plastic objects giving them desired shape and later document them through photography. Plastic menace has been a major Global crisis in Human history fueled by consumer society. It is appearing


Flannel Fairies

Pamela PaulineTitle: Flannel FairiesAbout the Photo:The unique of the fading Flannel Flower reminded me of beautiful little fairies. Image created entirely with these stunning Australian native flowers.


Film Stills

Wendy StoneTitle: Film StillsAbout the Photo:I am inspired and intrigued the movies and television shows depicting the perception of perfection in the 1950’s. When I was young I would watch reruns of “Leave it to Beaver” during the summer. I loved how happy the families


Face Bridge

Mohammad Shahab eslamiTitle: Face BridgeAbout the Photo:Red Bridge (Pole Sorkh). When I arrived in Kabul and wanted to meet with the culture and art people, they mostly called the Red Bridge for the appointment. An area consisting of a crossroads and a bridge. In my



Gustavo Romeiro Title: Aveiros About the Photo: "Aveiros" is the plural of a neologism that mix the Portuguese word "aves" (birds) with the Portuguese suffix "eiro" - Aveiro. Birds represent the liberty and the used sufix represent a craft, a profession. In other word, this neologim implicets the


Around the World

T Simple Title: Around the World About the Photo: Around the World ( Playing Games ) In her poetic series ,Around the World’’ (Playing Games) Fine Art photographer Simple T takes a surreal approach to landscapes by staging playful scenes across open, timeless terrain. Often, her characters, dwarfed by their surrounds,


…And now ; the seed we planted

Shahram FarzinTitle: …And now ; the seed we plantedAbout the Photo:The subject is about man and his relationship towards nature. A recurring story.In this series I have tried to capture this phenomenon in a different perspective.This collection is created by venturing and capturing this planet


Third Place Winner – Conceptual

Hugo ThomassenTitle: ShapesAbout the Photo:Shapes, meditative still lifes, Which culminates in a single quintessential picture among endless variations with minimal changes of light and objects. It is not primary ideal objects, but rather the subtle reflections of the shadows they cast, that incorporate Truth and