All That Remains
Peter FritzTitle: All That RemainsAbout the Photo:These posts are all that remain of a jetty constructed long ago. The passing clouds signify the passage of time with the posts and their shadows seemingly looking defiant
Peter FritzTitle: All That RemainsAbout the Photo:These posts are all that remain of a jetty constructed long ago. The passing clouds signify the passage of time with the posts and their shadows seemingly looking defiant
George DigalakisTitle: ShipwrecksAbout the Photo:A project about shipwrecks around Greece. The project started in 2017 and has not finished yet.
Marc Koegel Title: Moon Trails About the Photo: Moon Trails is a series of long exposure photographs, showing the movement of the full moon across the night sky. Created with a Phase One Achromatic IQ3 100 digital back, exposure times range from 30 minutes to over 1.5 hours.
Jakub Pasierkiewicz Title: Scene of silence About the Photo: I called my project ‘Scene of silence’ to refer to a characteristic void which accompanies us while we watch a silent movie. Certainly, when looking at a photograph we cannot physically retrace any sounds, which quite often were an
Fredrick MuscatTitle: The Whale's Mouth CloudAbout the Photo:The Whale’s Mouth Cloud, the cloud that appears when the first gust front of a storm is passing over, photo captured while on a storm chasing trip in South Dakota, the US.I cannot forget that amazing scene. The
Andrei BaciuTitle: Winterly HaikuAbout the Photo:Maybe sometimes the meaning of a photography doesn’t reside in transcending the one thousand words’ border. Not at all, but, exactly on the contrary, a photo may well fulfill its goal by simply suggesting that, be it from time to
Andrew Holliman Title: Wild Horse About the Photo: The image was made on a snowy day in Kyrgyzstan. It hadn\'t been snowing for long so soil and grass showed through in places creating shapes that matched the contours of the hills. Fortunately a lone horse walked into a
Lou ChaussaletTitle: Walk The LineAbout the Photo:A moon line separates the sky and the ocean at dawn
Yuto HirasawaTitle: Toward to the lightAbout the Photo:Halo in the sky, tree in the middle of image and animal's trail towards to the tree.