Neskowin Bay

Jan BellTitle: Neskowin BayAbout the Photo:My latest body of work is titled “A Quiet Look at the Natural World.” Growing up on a farm in the flatlands of northwestern Ohio instilled an appreciation for the land. This innate passion has continued into my adult life



Kerstin NiemöllerTitle: LineDanceAbout the Photo:I love to look at things separately. To look at these things in isolation from the environment. Then they always develop their own dynamics and an astonishing aesthetic.


Landscape geometries

Gianfranco BoveTitle: Landscape geometriesAbout the Photo:I love to see the landscape under a new lens, in my "Landscape geometries" series, simplicity and color contrasts reign



Tim BoothTitle: HringurAbout the Photo:Hiringur (ring in Icelandic) is a collection of rocks that are randomly scattered in an Icelandic lagoon, except when viewed from one particular spot where they form a circle.


House in White

Frank PetersTitle: House in WhiteAbout the Photo:Snow is quite rare in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen, part of the Netherlands where I live, but sometimes the fields turn white and with a little mist it can bring a special atmosphere to the landscape.



Marc KoegelTitle: FrozenAbout the Photo:This series was photographed in Norway during the Winter / Spring 0f 2019. Photographs were created using a Phase One IQ4 150 Achromatic Digital Back.