The lights in Lake Biwa

Chihiro Tanaka Title: The lights in Lake Biwa About the series: These pictures are the records of the sunlight which meets on the Lake Biwa ( ancient lake in Japan ) and its surroundings, providing various colors in the nature field. What most interests me is that the lights


The gymnast

Miguel Rubiano Sánchez Title: The gymnast About the series: Photograph made on the crack of a plant called pita. At that moment I saw a gymnast throw her clubs and jump in stride.


Signs – 01

Rosario Civello Title: Signs - 01 About the series: “Signs” series is inspired by the book “Point and line to plane” of Wassily Kandinsky. These images were taken on the Apennines.


Sign on shipping container

Masato Ninomiya Title: Sign on shipping container About the series: I live in Kanagawa, Japan. Kanagawa prefecture has a city called Yokohama. Since Yokohama was one of our first port cities (in Japan), the landscape exudes history. The port of Yokohama was officially opened on July, 1859. Honmoku


Ship Shape

Gigi Chung Title: Ship Shape About the series: An architectural abstraction study of Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles. The numerous lines and curves resemble an emerging yacht in an open sea.



Hugo Thomassen Title: Shapes About the series: Shapes, meditative still lifes, Which culminates in a single quintessential picture among endless variations with minimal changes of light and objects. It is not primary ideal objects, but rather the subtle reflections of the shadows they cast, that incorporate Truth and


Shadow window

Betty Goh Title: Shadow window About the series: I was having a business meeting with my client in Orlando last month. My seat was facing the window and as I was waiting for my client to look at her computer, I suddenly realised this beautiful sight at the