Fine-art Photographer Of The Year
1st place winner
Klaus Lenzen
Title: Construction Art
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2nd Place Winner
George Byrne
Title: 71st St. Miami
3rd Place Winner
Rupert Hoeller
Title: Surroundings
Jiabao Sun
Title: 命(Life)
Dorota Górecka
Title: Blue
Can Gurkan
Title: Flight
Robert Bolton
Title: Temporary Placeholder
Title: White Palm, Los Angeles
Jon Tobiasz
Title: Fore River, Portland, Maine 2019
Title: Ace Hotel
Peter Eleveld
Title: Hydrangea
Julia SH
Title: Heavenly Bodies
Michael Koch
Title: Eternal Collection
Alice Zilberberg
Title: For Now Flamingo
Michael Cowen
Title: Reflection
David Degelin
Title: Into the light of a dark black day
Keun-ju Park
Title: Pink and Blue
Title: Temporary Placeholder II
Benjamin Briones Grandi
Title: Endurance
Kim Stevens
Title: Dahlia
Max Morawski
Title: Lake Stone Reeds #2
Mats Reslow
Title: Right Turn?
Alloi Massimo
Title: On the road
Lorenzo Bensi
Title: Sea Shapes
Pietro Abbagnato
Title: Untitled
Bart Nelissen
Title: Chiaroscuro by Nature
César López Seoane
Title: Submerged Sun
Peter F. Wingerter
Title: The way to infinity
Andrea Richey
Title: Lines
Evgeny Nuzhaev
Title: Spirits
Pedro Díaz Molins
René Greiner
Title: Still life
Thomas Kane
Title: Orca
Sebastian Raabe
Title: Echelon
Rachel Nixon
Title: Echoes
Jurius Jurius
Title: Red and White
Matthew DeZee
Title: Morning Mist
Stefano Anghileri
Title: Behind the Mask
Marc Wehner
Title: Black Triangle
Mitchell Anolik
Title: Tuscan Cypress
Thérèse Descheemaeker
Title: Symetrie
Ägidius Vockenhuber
Title: Italy in silence
Saman Majd
Title: Gestures of Dance
Jeff Fountain
Title: Pond Zen Scene
Andreas Limmer
Title: Dune at night
Alyce Bender
Title: Two by Two