Fine-art Photographer of the Year
1st Place Winner
Guido Klumpe
Title: Cloudy day
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2nd Place Winner
Dorota Górecka
Title: Red
3rd Place Winner
Jana Luo
Title: Snowy Playground in Japan
Steve Scalone
Title: Dining
Edward Wright
Title: Battersea
Jerad Armijo
Title: TSU (津波)
Hsuan Chung
Title: Edge-North Atlantic Ocean
Title: Bloom
Robert Bolton
Title: Somewhere Other
Dirk Kultus
Title: Ahead
Lesley MacGregor
Title: Landscape of Loss, Memory and Survival
Thomas Kane
Title: Samuel Beckett Bridge-no Distractions
Kyle Hoffmann
Title: Fossil
Natalia Rudychev
Title: In Love
Title: Separation
Emmanuelle Becker
Title: Inscapes
Allyson Ely
Title: An Uncommon Beauty
Ann Vardanega
Title: As From Above it is Below
Brian Gilwee
Title: Lynn’s Lemon
Klaus Lenzen
Title: Imagination
Charlie O’Donovan
Title: Serpent Lake
Denisa Bergl
Title: Line of Czech Functionalism
Morey Asato
Title: Ebb and Flow
Glen Wilbert
Title: Bike Racks, Huntington Beach
Bea Berg
Title: FlowerLine
Raido Nurk
Title: Explorer
Kristofer Schofield
Title: Inventing Saviours
Jean Paul soujol benedetti
Title: Between Real and Unreal
Jan Prengel
Title: In Search Of The Present
Rohit Rattan
Title: Wide Space
Rachel Wei
Title: Beyond
Keiichiro Muramatsu
Title: Colony
Title: Secluded
Dorothe Jacobs
Title: Still Early
G.B. Smith
Title: Cascadia
Michael Scandling
Title: Silver Horizons
Doug Reynolds
Title: Bare Trees in Snow
Alex Politis
Title: Trails
Costas Kariolis
Title: The Big Reveal
Title: Metamorphosis
Stephen Hayes
Title: Benches
Lorita Catarin Preiano
Title: Nostalgic Flight
Giulia Galelli
Title: Winged Shadows
Robert Claus
Title: Still-Life Studies & Compositions
Martina Holmberg
Title: Mayfly
Paul Killeen
Title: Lean On The Land
Akira Matsui
Title: On a Dune
Maxim Sayapin
Title: As in Life
Title: Blemish
Susanne Beck
Title: Simply White
Paolo Nigris
Title: Exit
Minna Palmén
Title: It Has No Name